What is ReCoRD?


The Repository Core Re-Discovery Program (ReCoRD) is a collaborative program between Kochi Core Center (KCC, a core storage and analysis facility jointly operated by Kochi University and JAMSTEC) and J-DESC.
Repository cores are a scientific resource that can be used for academic purposes by anyone who submits a sample request under the current IODP policy. Under this policy system, ReCoRD is a system that aims to create new results by reanalyzing core samples, not by individuals or small groups, but by research teams similar to science parties on drilling expeditions.


The Repository Core Re-Discovery Program (ReCoRD) is a collaborative program between Kochi Core Center (KCC, a core storage and analysis facility jointly operated by Kochi University and JAMSTEC) and J-DESC.
Repository cores are a scientific resource that can be used for academic purposes by anyone who submits a sample request under the current IODP policy. Under this policy system, ReCoRD is a system that aims to create new results by reanalyzing core samples, not by individuals or small groups, but by research teams similar to science parties on drilling expeditions.

Outline of Implementation

Proposals for intensive reanalysis of repository cores using ReCoRD are invited. ReCoRD implementation proposals submitted by researchers are reviewed for their scientific significance and feasibility by J-DESC's ReCoRD Evaluation Team, and highly evaluated proposals will be forwarded to KCC who will make the final adoption of the proposal. Based on the adopted proposals, the targeted core samples will be subjected to non-destructive analyses using KCC's analytical instruments, and digitization of image data (see "Typical Workload" below). In parallel, IODP sample requests will be solicited from individual participants for intensive sampling (sampling party). Please note that for intensive sampling, each potential participant must submit an individual IODP sample request (see "Acceptance of Sample Requests" below).

Acceptance of Sample Request

In parallel with the non-destructive analyses and digitization of core samples, IODP sample requests will be solicited, and IODP sample requests submitted over a period of time will be grouped together for intensive sampling; researchers with approved IODP sample requests will share their data, including newly acquired nondestructive data, with each other and collaborate on their research.

Benefits of ReCoRD Participation

  • A larger volume of core samples can be targeted than usual data/sample requests.
  • KCC staff will acquire data by non-destructive measurement (free of charge)
  • Collaboration with researchers in other fields while sharing analysis data
  • Support for accommodation during your stay