Workshop on the future of Scientific Ocean Drilling with Mission-Specific Platforms and Chikyu – Jointly organised by ESSAC and J-DESC- Phase 1

ECORD and Japan have developed a new program to facilitate post-2024 Scientific Ocean rilling using Mission Specific Platforms.
The aim of this workshop is to encourage new scientific collaborations among the scientific communities of ECORD and Japan, together with international partners, in an online-only scientific workshop.
This workshop, which will take place over three days, will serve to review the status of planning of post-2024 Scientific Ocean Drilling, communicate the intention of the new ECORD-Japan program and collect new ideas for the development of new MSP and Chikyu drilling proposals based on identified knowledge gaps and novel scientific questions to be addressed in the next 5-10 years.
Date: January 17, 19, 26, 2023
Phase1 report here
DAY1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFP6UepNMF4
DAY2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJBhcCVOeEk
Steering Committee
Angelo Cammerlenghi (Co- Chair) | OGS, Italy |
Masa Kinoshita (Co-Chair) | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Giovanni Aloisi | IPGP, France |
Thorsten Bauersachs | Kiel University, Germany |
Rebecca Bell | Imperial College London, UK |
Helen Coxall | Stockholm University, Sweden |
Junichiro Kuroda | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Azumi Kuroyanagi | Tohoku University, Japan |
Tomo Morishita | Kanazawa University, Japan |
Yuki Morono | JAMSTEC, Japan |
Antony Morris | University of Plymouth, UK |
Oliver Plümper | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Esther Schwarzenbach | University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
Kohtaro Ujiie | Tsukuba University, Japan |
Sanny Saito | J-DESC, Japan (PMO representative) |
Hanno Kinkel | ESSAC, Italy (PMO representative) |