
Exp. 389 Hawaiian Drowned Reefs (OSP ’24/Feb)


航海名Expedition 389: Hawaiian Drowned Reefs
Scientific Prospectus
・プロポーザル #716
Scientific Prospectus
共同首席研究者Jody Webster and Christina Ravelo
掘削船MMA Valour, equipped with the Benthic Portable Remotely Operated Drill (PROD5)(Mission Specific Platform)
OSP実施期間Offshore (乗船): 2023年8月31日~10月31日(終了しました)
Onshore Science Party (航海後の陸上分析): 2024年2月6日~26日at MARUM(ドイツのブレーメン大学海洋環境科学センター)
乗船/下船地Honolulu, Hawaii (TBC)
ハワイ島近海 沈水サンゴ礁
The overall goal of the drilling campaign is to sample a unique succession of drowned coral reefs around Hawaii now at -134 to -1155 m below sea level. As a direct result of Hawaii’s rapid (2.5-2.6/kyr) but nearly constant subsidence, a thick (100-200 m) expanded sequence of shallow coral reef dominated facies is preserved within the reefs. These reefs span important periods in Earth climate history, either not available or highly condensed on stable (Great Barrier Reef, Tahiti) and uplifted margins (Papua New Guinea, Barbados) due to a lack of accommodation space and/or unfavourable shelf morphology. Specifically, these data show that the reefs grew (for ~90-100 kyrs, albeit episodically) into, during and out of the majority of the last five to six glacial cycles.
Therefore, scientific drilling through these reefs will generate a new record of sea-level and associated climate variability during several controversial and poorly understood periods over the last 500 kyr.
The project has four major objectives:
1) To define the nature of sea level-change in the central Pacific over the last 500 kyr, we will construct a new, more complete sea level curve from the drowned Hawaiian reefs that will allow: a) more detailed testing of Milankovitch climate theory predictions and; b) improved constraints on millennial-scale sea-level changes over the last 500 kyr.
2) To identify critical processes that determine paleoclimate variability of the central Pacific over the last 500 kyr, we will: (a) reconstruct the mean and seasonal/interannual climate variability from massive coral samples; and (b) use these records to investigate how high latitude climate (e.g., ice sheet volume), pCO2, and seasonal solar radiation impact subtropical Pacific climate. This approach can be used to test theoretical predictions of climate response and sensitivity to changes in boundary conditions and climate forcing.
3) To establish the geologic and biologic response of coral reef systems to abrupt sea-level and climate changes, we will: (a) establish the detailed stratigraphic and geomorphic evolution of the reefs in response to these changes; (b) test ecologic theories about coral reef resilience and vulnerability to extreme, repeated environmental stress over interglacial/glacial to millennial time scales; and (c) establish the nature of living and ancient microbial communities in the reefs and their role in reef building.
4) To elucidate the subsidence and volcanic history of Hawaii, we will: (a) refine the variation through space and time of the subsidence of Hawaii, and; (b) improve the understanding of the volcanic evolution of the island.


募集分野次の分野の追加募集をします:coralline algal specialist
  • 日本国内の研究機関に所属する研究者、大学院生(乗船時に修士課程に進学見込みの学部生を含む)
  • 英語でコミュニケーションが取れる方
OSP実施期間Onshore Science Party(航海後の陸上分析): 2024年2月6日~26月

  • 応募フォームに必要事項を入力ください。記入は全て英語でお願いします。
  • 英語のcurriculum vitae(CV)を、応募フォームから添付ください。
  • 大学院生も応募できます。指導教員の推薦書(英語)が必要となりますので、応募フォームから添付ください。
募集の詳細今回はcoralline algal specialist (Onshore Science Party)のみの追加募集となります。




  1. プレクルーズトレーニング:乗船前の戦略会議やスキルアップトレーニング
  2. 乗船旅費:乗下船に関わる旅費支援
  3. アフタークルーズワーク:モラトリアム期間中の分析
  4. 乗船後研究:下船後最長3年で行う研究の研究費(※現在制度改正中)


応募フォーム ==> 終了いたしました。

*添付いただくCV、published historyは、PDFのみ可能です。


海洋研究開発機構 横須賀本部内
