Exp. 401: Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange

Expedition starts, Press release – IODP Expedition 401 (Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange)
船上レポート1:Expedition starts, Press release – IODP Expedition 401 (Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange)
IODP Exp. 401がスタートし、Science PartyのメンバーがJOIDES Resolution号に乗船しました。
今回は、日本から3名の研究者が乗船します (写真1)。
Exp. 401の概要は以下から確認できます。

船上レポート2:Brief report of IODP Exp. 401, Dec. 14, 2023 – IODP Expedition 401 (Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange)
Xunhui XU (Kyoto University)
It is XU. It is 19:53 p.m., Amsterdam time.
Today, we had introduction presentations of the expedition background throughout the daytime. It covers the formation of the salt giant / salinity crisis in the Mediterranean sea, and the necessity of the aging model.
Also, we had logging tools introductions and lab tours of the whole working circles, which can help us to know the workflow of the whole team.
Finally, we were suggested to start changing our own schedule from tonight to get used to the upcoming day shift and night shift.
Starting tomorrow at 2 a.m., the ship time will be adjusted back 1 hour. 2:00 a.m. → 1:00 a.m. (Decided by the ship captain.)
Some members started to be affected by the seasickness. According to the weather broadcast, the wave height will be around 3.0-3.5 m. I can feel the increasingly intense ship shaking when I was writing this email. Hope tomorrow will go well…
Sorry for this email in English.
Just a brief report that might need to be uploaded.
Sunrise over a calm sea. Credits: ECORD/IODP.
The contact between the basalt (black) and the reef section (white) representing the initiation of reef growth. From left to right: Luzie Schnieders and Jody Webster. Credits: ECORD/IODP.

船上レポート3:Brief report of IODP Exp. 401, Dec. 16, 2023 – IODP Expedition 401 (Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange)
Xunhui XU (Kyoto University)
It is XU. It is 13:07 on Dec. 16th, Lisbon time.
Here is a brief report about the past two days (15th-16th).
The whole team had introduction lectures about how to write the method chapter of each team, including the site naming criteria, figure format, fonts, layout of the pages, and so on. What's more, the ship report and publication duties for each scientific team was assigned by the Expedition Project Manager, Trevor WILLIAMS (see the photo, No. 1-2). Also, we had a tour to see the captain's room and drilling tools (APC, RBC, and different kinds of core captures, etc.).
In particular, teams we are involved in have different assignments.
Physical properties team (XU) kept training for how to operate the measurements of thermal conductivity (photo No.3), moisture and density, P-wave caliper, Section Half Multisensor Logger(SHMSL).
The sedimentology team (Egawa sensei) had the training for how to use Geodesc for cores description, and started to write method chapter.
Geochemistry team (Tanaka sensei) had training in a geochemistry lab for instrument operation (Squeeze cake, for instance, Photo No.4).
Also, good news, the X-ray linescan imager(XSCAN) was prepared for this expedition No. 401. Physical properties and sedimentology teams were already trained together for operation of XSCAN. It is really helpful for identifying interior structures. of the sediments when doing the describing works. (see photo No. 5-7)
We are closing the first drilling site, and were told that the drilling would start in the late afternoon on the 18th. The next report will cover the part of our valuable sediment cores.
We just crossed the area with severely rough waves. Although many scientists got seasickness yesterday(Dec. 15th), we still attend the whole team lectures for chapter/report/chapter writing without absence, which made the co-chief very surprised.
The Christmas ornaments had been dressed up at the cafeteria, see photo No.8.
We also witnessed the whale spray and jumping dolphin, but it was too fast to capture… Only a beautiful sunrise photo (Dec. 16th) is attached (No. 9).
Xunhui XU

JOIDES Resolution号は、この週末、最初のサイトに向けて航走しました。
船内ツアーでは、ブリッジ (写真1)、ドリルリグ (写真2)、リグフロア (写真3)、メカニックショップ (写真4, 5) を見学しました。案内をしてくれたビルさんの興味深いお話と、研究者からのたくさんの質問であっという間に時間がたち、最終的には2時間半のツアーとなりました。
そして、本日夕方5時、最初のサイトSite U1609に到着しました。ダイナミックポジショニングシステムによる船の位置保持が始まり (写真6)、いよいよ明日朝には最初のコアが上がってくる予定です。どんなコアが上がってくるのか、研究者全員が期待で胸を膨らませています。
寒い日が続くと思いますが、船上でも日本でも体調には気を付けて、2023年を駆け抜けましょう (写真7)。

船上レポート5:Core On Deck
Xunhui XU (Kyoto University)
It is a brief story about the important moment 'Core On Deck'.
As the report we got from the JR captain, we arrived at the first drilling site U1609 (called ALM-03B previously) in the late afternoon of Dec. 17th, 2023.
The APC drilling tools were installed throughout the whole night (see Photo No.1).
Finally, at about 04:10, Lisbon time yesterday (Dec. 18th), we heard the first 'core on deck', 100% filled with sea water and without any sediments (Photo No.2, the anxious and serious night-shift scientists waiting for the first core).
Receiving the first core with lithology of silty mud from the seafloor at 04:27 was a very exciting thing, even though we only got about 2.4 m sediment (see Photo No.3-6, the first core with sea water infilled).
After that, scientists of aging model group, geochemistry group, and physical properties group took the samples or core sections, respectively.
It was the first day, and scientists took longer time in their measurement since getting used to their battlefield needs some time (see Photo No. 7, the tired scientists in the first cross meeting at noon).
Everything will go well and expect something interesting to eventually show up.
Best Regards,
Xunhui XU

船上レポート6:Exp. 401の最初のサイト掘削終了!
JOIDES Resolution号は、IODP Exp. 401の最初のサイト「Site U1609」の掘削を終えました。
そんな中でも、クリスマスの食事やイベントで盛り上がったり、日本とJOIDES Resolutionをつなぐ中継イベント (Ship-to-Shore) を行ったり、と乗船研究者一同で充実した日々を過ごしています。 (写真1, 2)
それでは皆様、良いお年をお迎えください (写真3)

江川 浩輔(九州大学)
このサイトでは、最初に500 mほど掘り飛ばしてケーシングをセットした後、更に深部を目指して掘削します。
私が所属するSedimentologistチームは常に慌ただしいのですが、最初のサイトに比べてCore on Deckまで時間を要するため、少し心の余裕を持って作業に臨めるので嬉しい限りです。

船上レポート8:Exp. 401 Report on Jan 14
Xunhui XU (Kyoto University)
Sorry to report in English.
It is a brief report of the current week.
We just finished the mission at our primary site U1610A on Jan. 12th.
It was a tough drilling, because something unexpected occurred, such as being stuck at around the depth of 825 mbsf with XCB bit, low recovery when closing to the proposal depth (~1400 m), giving up the logging due to the inclination of borehole at about 14 degrees.
Although it was an uneasy period for each member, we all persisted until the end with more than 94 cores (recovery > 0 %)! and also some sandstone.
To maximize the results of the expedition 401, and to recover Late Miocene to Early Pliocene precessional-scale stratigraphy below 400 mbsf, the depth reached at this site on Expedition 397, we quickly decided to switch our next target to the site U1385. We only took one day to move from U1610A to U1385, and had a brief presentation of each lab in the meantime.
Right now, we already got 11 cores. The bad news is …. a big storm is coming, and there will be a rough period with 4.8 m waves according to the weather broadcasting.
Hope everything goes well.

JOIDES Resolution号は、今週で3地点目の掘削を終え、4地点目に移動してまいりました。
大西洋と地中海の間に位置するのが、今回の航海の研究で重要な位置づけにあるジブラルタル海峡です。JOIDES Resolution号は、2時間をかけてジブラルタル海峡を渡り、地中海に入りました (写真1, 2)。
ジブラルタル海峡を通る際には、シフトではないメンバーも早起き or 夜更かしをして、みんなで壮大な歴史に想像を馳せました。また、ゴンドウクジラが飛び跳ねる場面もあり (写真3)、非常に充実したトランジットとなりました。航海期間も短くなってまいりましたが、最後のサイトでの仕事もがんばってまいりたいと思います。

JOIDES Resolution号はスペインの南側、地中海での掘削最終日を迎えています。
6人の研究者・テクニシャンの目線にカメラをつけ、"Core On Deck"のタイミングでどのような作業をしているかを収録したものです。
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C25TccZs18i/?hl=en
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/TheJR/status/1753848359809372492
Threads: https://www.threads.net/@joides_resolution/post/C25UfKUtkLj
船上レポート11:The Final Core On Deck!
Xunhui XU (Kyoto University)
This expedition is finally coming to an end.
The final core for the expedition 401 was recovered at 23:30 (GMT), 4th Feb.
For this site, we found lots of laminations and lithologies, which implies the complex evolution of this site.
For the next few days, we will have site presentations, postcruise-research discussions.
How time flies. Two months expedition gives a lot of sedimentary, geochemical, physical evolution since early Miocene.
Everyone feels fulfilled with this invaluable experience and becomes more emotional about the end of this voyage.
Exp 401 logos designed by one of the sedimentologists, Natacha, were pressed on our T-shirts.
It includes the unforgettable sunrise moment and the lovely sea gulls, pilot whales and dolphins we saw.
"Everything is under control" ironically tells the story of the two-month voyage. Sometimes things went against our original well organized plans.