IODP研究航海 船上レポート

Exp.# | 航海名 | 船名 | 期間 |
403 | Eastern Fram Strait Paleo-Archive | JR | 2024/6/4~8/2 |
402 | Tyrrhenian Continent-Ocean Transition | JR | 2024/2/9~4/8 |
401 | Mediterranean-Atlantic Gateway Exchange | JR | 2023/12/10~2024/2/9 |
389 | Hawaiian Drowned Reefs | MSP | 2023/8/31~10/31 |
400 | NW Greenland Glaciated Margin | JR | 2023/8/12~10/12 |
395 | Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate | JR | 2023/06/12~08/12 |
397 | Iberian margin Paleoclimate | JR | 2022/10/11~12/11 |
390/ 393 | South Atlantic Transect (Transect 1,2) | JR | 2022/6/7~8/7, 2022/4/7~6/7 |
391 | Walvis Ridge Hotspot | JR | 2021/12/6~2022/2/5 |
396 | Exp. 396 Mid-Norwegian Continental Margin Magmatism | JR | 2021/8/6~10/6 |
395C | Reykjanes Mantle Convection and Climate | JR | 2021/6/6~8/6 |
386 | Japan Trench Paleoseismology | Kaimei | Offshore:2021/4/13~6/1 Onshore Science Party:2022/2/14~3/15@Chikyu (port of Shimizu) Personal Sampling Party:2022/11/15~12/6→~11/30に変更@Chikyu (port of Shimizu) |
378 | South Pacific Paleogene Climate | JR | 2020/1/3~2/6 |