Exp. 398: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field
航海名 | Expedition 398: Hellenic Arc Volcanic Field |
プロポーザル/ Scientific Prospectus | ・プロポーザル 932-Full2 932-Add & 932-Add2 ・Scientific Prospectus |
共同首席研究者 | Prof. Tobias Höfig and TBD |
掘削船 | JOIDES Resolution |
航海期間 | 2022年12月11日~2023年2月10日 |
乗船/下船地 | タラゴナ(スペイン) → ヘラクリオン(ギリシア) |
JRSOのページ | http://iodp.tamu.edu/scienceops/expeditions/hellenic_arc_volcanic_field.html |
掘削地点 | ![]() |
科学目的 | 地中海のHellenic Arc volcanic fieldは活動的な火山弧であり、エーゲ海のサントリーニ・カルデラを含みます。Exp. 398 では、火山活動史復元やマグマの起源の解明とともに、火山活動が海洋環境や生命にどのような相互作用を及ぼすかについて明らかにするため、リフト盆地とサントリーニ・カルデラ内の厚さ数百メートルの火山堆積物を掘削します。 The Hellenic Arc Christiana-Santorini-Kolumbo (CSK) volcanic field, which includes Santorini caldera and its Late Bronze Age eruption, provides a unique opportunity to address how subduction-related volcanism impacts life. Better understanding of island-arc volcanism requires study of the processes that drive such volcanism, and how the volcanoes interact with the marine environment. What are the links between crustal tectonics, volcanic activity, and magma genesis? What are the dynamics and impacts of submarine explosive volcanism and caldera-forming eruptions? What are the reactions of marine ecosystems to volcanic eruptions? The rift basins around the CSK field, as well as Santorini caldera, contain volcano-sedimentary fills up to several hundreds of meters thick. We propose to drill six sites, four in the rifts basins and two in Santorini caldera. Deep drilling is essential to characterize and interpret the depositional packages visible on seismic images, to chemically correlate primary volcaniclastic layers in the rift fills with their source volcanoes, to fill in gaps in onland volcanic records, to provide a precise chronostratigraphic framework for rift tectonic and sedimentary histories, and to characterize the subsurface microbial life. 詳細については、Call for Applications 、JRSO のページをご参照ください。 |
氏名 | 所属 | 役職 | 乗船中の役割 |
千代延 俊 | 秋田大学 | 教授 | Micropaleontologist (nannofossils) |
Iona McIntosh | JAMSTEC | 研究員 | Physical Properties Specialist/Downhole Measurements |
山本 由弦 | 神戸大学 | 教授 | Structural Geologist |