HIGHLAND – Holocene Insights Gained from High-resolution drilling in North Victoria Land (2025/5/25-27)
ECORDの支援するMagellan Plus Workshop Seriesの一環として以下の国際ワークショップが開催されますので、ご案内いたします。
Magellan Plus Workshop Series
Holocene Insights Gained from High-resolution drilling in North Victoria Land
日時: 2025年6月25日(水)〜27日(金)
場所: Institute of Polar Sciences Italian National Research Council ISP-CNR, Bologna (Italy)
Workshop Aims:
- To develop a high-quality IODP³ proposal for drilling inNorth Victoria Land’s fjordsystems.
- Fostering collaboration and expanding the scientific network in alignment with the 2050Science Framework.
- Defining drill site targets based on available data.
- Addressing operational logistics for ECORD Mission-Specific Platforms.
- Identifying data gaps and planning additional site surveys.
Organisers:Francesca Battaglia & TommasoTesi (ISP)Laura De Santis &Michele Rebesco (OGS)